A bit about me

The short version

  • Research Software Engineer / Data Analysis Scientist / Application Scientist.
  • Currently working as a Senior Research Software Engineer at the University of Oxford.
  • Formerly a chemical biologist developing early-stage drugs for histone lysine demethylase enzymes - important epigenetic regulators of gene expression.
  • Contributor to the open-source SuRVoS and SuRVoS2 applications that allow faster annotation and segmentation of 3D image data with the help of supervoxels, scribbles and machine learning.
  • Creator of volume-segmantics - a software package that allows fast training of a variety of 2D pre-trained segmentation networks on 3D image data.
  • Trainer of the CHiMP (Crystal Hits in My Plate) deep learning tools. These help scientist to classify images of protein crystallisation experiments and to detect crystals in images for data collection.
  • Amateur photographer and keen, albeit ageing, runner.
Photo of me from 2017

Longer version